Sponsor a family - Direct Debit

Please complete your details and we will be in touch with a direct debit form and your sponsor family details. Thank you!

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  • Thank you for choosing to change the life of a whole family through sponsorship. We will be in touch soon.

Sponsor a family today

By sponsoring a family you will join three other Kiwi supporters to journey with a family out of poverty. 

Each family has its own needs and gets tailored support. Each year you will receive an update on your family that includes any challenges they are facing, what they have overcome and any exciting news they might want to share. 


Join thousands of Kiwis and stay in touch with us. Hear about our news, appeals and updates.

Help transform lives and bring hope for the future

To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!