Become an Ambassador!

Make an impact, make a difference!

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You can make a difference!

At Mission Without Borders, our purpose, vision, and mission is to transform lives and communities by extending love, hope, and practical support to the marginalized and vulnerable. We are driven by a deep commitment to make a meaningful difference in the world, guided by our core values of compassion, integrity, and empowerment.

As an Ambassador we'd love you to share our work here at Mission Without Borders with your friends, family and your Church. When we do this together we can make a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable people. This looks different for each person, so we encourage you to think about how you can use your strengths, talents and time in a way that works best for you.

Our mission goes beyond providing immediate assistance; it is about addressing the root causes of poverty, injustice, and inequality. We strive to empower individuals and communities to break free from cycles of dependency, equipping them with the tools and resources they need to thrive. Through education, skills training, self-sufficiency projects, and spiritual guidance, we work holistically to foster lasting change.
Join us on this incredible journey of purpose as we work towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity, pursue their dreams, and fulfill their God-given potential. Together, let us make a lasting difference and be a beacon of light in the lives of those we serve.
Do you want to join us today?

Click here

Do you have a heart for the poor and vulnerable?

At Mission Without Borders, we are driven by a profound heart for the poor and vulnerable. Our organization is rooted in the belief that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, deserves dignity, care, and the opportunity to thrive.

Would you like to walk alongside the poor and vulnerable?

By joining hands with Mission Without Borders, you become part of a compassionate community that extends a helping hand to the marginalized and overlooked. Together, we can uplift lives, break the cycle of poverty, and foster a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Do you have a passion for Missions and Evangelism?

Are you fueled by an unwavering passion for missions and evangelism. We believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to encounter the transformative power of faith and experience the love of God.

With a fervent dedication to missions and evangelism, you will speak on behalf of the unreached.

You will be driven by the belief that sharing the love of Christ requires both action and intentionality. together, let us embrace the power of missions and evangelism, as we witness lives transformed, hope restored, and communities empowered by the boundless love of God.

Do you have the ability and passion to speak and be engaging?

Do you understand that effective communication plays a vital role in sharing our mission, inspiring action, and mobilizing others towards positive change. 

Are you a skilled communicator but also a passionate advocate, dedicated to delivering our message with authenticity, clarity, and impact. 

Through compelling storytelling, active listening, and relatable messaging, we will help you create immersive experiences that resonate deeply with our audience. We can’t wait for you to join us. 

You will become part of a community!


Fill in the form below and we will send you some information on becoming an Ambassador for Mission Without Borders
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  • You will receive an email from us about becoming an ambassador.


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To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!