Bosnia & Herzegovina

The brutal past still haunts this country where an estimated 400,000 people suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Haunted by the war

The brutal conflict in the early 1990s left the country’s infrastructure and economy in ruins, and many people deeply traumatised. Deep ethnic and political divisions still tear the nation apart, reflected in and exacerbated by its complicated system of government. 

At our Soup Kitchen in Glamoc, however, we are overjoyed to see Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks becoming friends and sharing their lives. They are elderly war refugees who have settled in Glamoc from 46 different municipalities, and many of them are broken after losing loved ones and their homes in the war. We provide them with emotional and spiritual support, as well as practical help.

The unemployment rate (25%) is the highest in Europe and the third highest in the world. 15% of citizens cannot afford basic services, such as food, clean water, fuel or healthcare. We support families through sponsorship to help them journey out of poverty. We are shining the light of Christ’s love into a country where only 0.01% of the population are evangelical Christians.


Sponsor a family in Bosnia & Herzegovina

131 families are sponsored

90 elderly people receive a hot meal every day in Glamoc

144 children went to our summer camp


Hello from Dalibor

Field country manager Dalibor Kojic has worked with MWB since 2009. He wanted to share with you, “Bosnia & Herzegovina is the least evangelised country in Europe, but believers, even though they are few, are strong in faith. The message of the gospel and revival is very needed, to open eyes to see the beauty of God. More than anything, this country needs people who will pray and fast for it and seek the outpouring of the Spirit to heal the land. 

"Both the families we serve, and our team, who are brave and tireless, are fighting relentlessly with a holistic approach to restore our nation. We are to trust that the One who has started the good work in us and around us, fulfils His promise. Our Mission is not about barely surviving, but with deep desire and compassion, making people’s lives better.

"Thank you for contributing in bringing change and hope into many lives in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Connected by love, we are all craftsmen in God’s work.”




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