
The conflict that began in 2014 has left over 3.4 million people in need.

In conflict since 2014

Ukraine is Europe's second largest country – and second poorest after Moldova. Millions of people have exhausted their resources and the numbers struggling to put food in the table doubled to 1.2 million in 2017. 

Corruption in Ukraine is rife and has infected all sectors of society, resulting in an economy that was as large as Poland’s at independence shrinking down to a third of the size. Ukraine, ‘the breadbasket of Europe’, is known for its rich soil, but the agriculture sector is in need of reform.

We work mainly in western Ukraine, in Sarny, Rivne and Blahodatne, and in the area affected by the 1986 Chernobyl accident. We offer practical, emotional and spiritual support to children living in institutions, and we also support families living in poverty, including refugees who have fled the conflict, helping them on a path toward self-sufficiency.

Sponsor a family in Ukraine

4,030 children sponsored 

18 students gifted a scholarship

91 families became self-sufficient last year


Hello from Mykola

Mykola Bogdanets has been the country manager since 1993, when MWB Ukraine was established. He says, "For 25 years, we have been continually bringing hope to the helpless, and we continue supporting children, families, the elderly and refugees. Ukraine’s war-torn economy has been plunged into crisis, and consumer prices, medicine and utility costs are constantly rising. The current political uncertainty adds to the overall difficult situation, stalling the needed political and economic reforms.

"In such times, we continue offering hope, love and support, and we are confident that with God’s help and our generous supporters, we will continue doing good works into the future. 

“I thank all the dear donors of Mission Without Borders for your contribution to the welfare of the Ukrainian families, children and adults. Please pray for peace in Ukraine and may God bless you for sharing your hearts with us."



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