"I felt so happy and free"

Joy and fun for a child carrying a lot of responsibility.


Tatiana's Story

Every child deserves a chance to be happy and carefree. But imagine the challenges a child faces when their daily life is filled with chores and responsibilities instead of play and learning.

Twelve-year-old Tatiana from a small village in southern Moldova lives a life many adults would find demanding. After her parents left, Tatiana and her brothers were taken in by their grandparents, Elena and Mihai. They live in poverty, struggling to make ends meet in their rural home.

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Finding Hope...

Tatiana’s days are packed with chores. “From Monday to Friday, I do my schoolwork, help my grandmother cook, and feed the goats,” she says. On weekends, the whole family cleans the house and works in the garden. “We rake leaves, chop firewood, and bring in the harvest. There’s always something to do, especially in autumn.”

Despite her busy schedule, Tatiana finds time to draw, knit, and make bracelets, which brings her some joy amidst her hard work.

Tatiana’s mother hasn’t been around for a long time. “The last time I saw my mother was last winter. She promised to return for my birthday, but she never came,” Tatiana remembers sadly. For her, her grandmother Elena is a true mother figure, teaching her crafts and sharing special moments.

Life became a bit brighter for Tatiana when Mission Without Borders started supporting her family. “When Mr. Pavel and Boris from the Mission visit us, I feel so happy,” Tatiana says with a smile. “They bring us food, clothes, and even gifts. Mr. Pavel also helps with firewood for the winter.”

Tatiana’s first summer camp experience with Mission Without Borders was a joyful break from her daily routine. “I loved the camp with water balloons, music, and crafts,” she recalls. The camp gave her a chance to be a carefree child and learn about Jesus, filling her with hope and happiness.

Pavel, a Mission worker, sees the positive impact of their support: “When Elena and Mihai receive help, it’s like a breath of fresh air. It gives them hope and strength. I’m glad the Mission is a friend to Tatiana and her family.”

Boris, another Mission worker, adds, “We started working in this village recently and enrolled several children in our sponsorship program. We hope to open a church and activity center soon, where children can get help with their homework, have fun, and learn about God.”

By supporting children like Tatiana, you can help bring hope and a brighter future to those in need. Every bit of support makes a big difference in their lives. If you would like to help a child like Tatiana, consider donating today.

While daily chores and struggles might be a part of life for many children, a small act of kindness can bring a world of difference. For a child like Tatiana, a bit of support can turn daily hardships into moments of hope and joy. Every child deserves the chance to smile and dream, and with your help, we can turn these dreams into reality and provide a brighter future.”

If you would like to bring some holiday cheer to a child like Tatiana and support her with a Christmas gift, donate today. Your generosity can make this festive season truly special for her.

Donate a Christmas Gift


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