Operation Cover Up

Kiwis all across NZ unite to knit thousands of blankets and warm clothing given to children, families, and the elderly living in desperate need in Eastern Europe.

With every stitch you give hope!

Winter in Eastern Europe can get as low as -25°C and many children, families and the elderly have little to keep them warm in a harsh winter. 

Thanks to the great work of Liz Clarke and her team of coordinators, hundreds of Kiwis are knitting, donating wool, fundraising for shipping costs and preparing the items for shipping. 

We now send two 40ft shipping containers each year bursting with blankets and clothing as well as other items to those living in poverty or other vulnerable situations.

A hand made item means so much more, it means hope, better health, it's giving protection and warmth. Thank you!

Get Involved

Lots of help is required to make sure Operation Cover Up is a success. Here are a few ways you can help:

1. Knit

Find out about groups in your local area, where you can knit with others and where to drop off your items. The items that are most in need are; Jerseys (any size from two years up), hats, scarfs and mittens, Woollen blankets (minimum 1.6m x 1.4m), and slippers.

2. Purchase Woollen knitting yarn or donate to cover shipping costs.

Please contact your local coordinator to know where to drop off wool or any donations.

Download FAQs

Find a local knitting coodinator


blankets, clothes, shoes and other items were sent to Eastern Europe in 2022

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To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!