Sponsor a child

Make a difference in a child's future today

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Why Child Sponsorship?

Child sponsorship secures a young person's future and gives them access to emotional, spiritual and material support. Sponsors play a special role in the life of the child by exchanging letters, photos and cards with them, and sharing their milestones, challenges and successes.

We believe that only long-term investment in a child's education, material and emotional support, and faith and hope in Jesus Christ can create real and lasting change in a child's life and the community they live in - and regular giving through sponsorship is what helps to make this possible.

Pictured: Three brothers, who are sponsored, sit on their porch step in Moldova.

How does my sponsorship help?

Supports education

One of the main ways we provide support is through our After School clubs. In this environment of acceptance and high expectations, children flourish. They receive support with homework and help in areas they struggle with. They learn about the God who loves and cares for them and has a plan for their lives. 

The emotional support we offer is essential to children who are neglected because of poverty or who come from backgrounds of abuse. In general, the environment we create is a nurturing one that gives children a ‘home from home’. And our material support eases any other burdens children face – whether a lack of adequately warm clothing, food or school supplies.

Pictured: Adina enjoys her meal at our after school programme in Romania.


Enables a childhood

Our DreamBus takes children on days out to gain recreational and educational experiences they would not otherwise have. It includes outings to the capital city, museums, parks and restaurants. Most of the children we work with have never left their village and these experiences are vital to their social and academic learning.

Summer Camps are often the only chance many children we work with have the chance to go on holiday. They are given a break from the challenges of life at home and enjoy a week of simply being carefree, playful children. At Summer Camp, children take part in sports, games, arts and crafts and Bible study. They make new friends and explore their creativity in comfort and safety, receiving counselling and emotional support from our trained staff and volunteers.

Pictured: A girl enjoys swimming in the pool at summer camp in Albania.

Sponsor a child today



backpacks with school supplies given to children

Read Ardi's story


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To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!