Here at Mission Without Border's, we find ourselves in contact with ever greater numbers of people who are very often treated as worthless, are overlooked and ignored by society. Those we come into contact with are hungry, sick, lonely and battle-weary from the constant struggle of trying to stay alive.
What we'd like to do is deliver 42,000 christmas love boxes across our six field countries. We want Christmas to be a day when families suffering from higher winter costs, the stress of unpaid bills, unemployment or poorly-paid jobs can forget their troubles and simply join in the celebrations.
Pavlo Melnyk our family coordinator in Ukraine says, “Many families have been livingunder great stress and fear since thebeginning of the war. They are afraidand worried about whether theywould be able to feed their childrentomorrow and would they be able tobuy food. Prices for everything havealmost doubled, and the purchasingpower of families has plummeted.That’s why our help is more vital thanever before. I’m really happy we canhelp families and make them relievedof their everyday stress and anxieties."
The average cost to create an Operation Christmas Love box is $45 NZD, including production and supply items.
All of the boxes are produced locally and the food is also sourced locally - keeping costs down and removing any form of international shipping.
Will you help us?
Yes, I will help!