What a gift to make!

Leave a gift in your Will today and help lift people from the grip of generational poverty. Download your brochure here.


You could leave a lasting legacy

It's the compassion and generosity of supporters like you that has enabled Mission Without Borders to make a Christ-centered impact in Eastern Europe for nearly six decades.

Securing the future of your commitment to the communities in our six field countries—Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine—can be achieved by including a Gift in your Will to Mission Without Borders. Even beyond this life's horizon, your legacy will echo as a testament to your lifelong empathy and concern for those in need.

By entrusting a gift in your Will, you ensure a sustained provision of material, including emotional, and spiritual assistance to the people we serve for years to come. 

The challenges in Eastern Europe persist, with much work ahead to lift people out of poverty and guide them towards self-sufficiency. Whether crafting your initial Will or revisiting an existing one, your decision ensures that the coming generations will benefit from your compassion, resulting in transformed lives and brighter futures across Eastern Europe.

Following the priority of your family's well-being, we humbly ask you to consider leaving a Gift in Will to the work of Mission Without Borders. 

We invite you to reach out to our team today to get the ball rolling. Your enduring impact awaits.

Our Promise To You

Creating a Will can be simple and inexpensive. It is also the most reliable way for you to ensure your wishes are carried out after you have gone. If you are thinking about making a Will, we strongly advise you to discuss it with a solicitor. They will ensure that all legal aspects are correct so that the Will is valid.

We understand that making decisions about your future is a personal and private process. We promise that we will never pressure you to express your intentions and we know that your family and loved ones must always come first. Any gifts you leave will be handled respectfully. We will always ensure that your gift is used appropriately so that it has as big an impact as possible. Finally, we will always respect your decision and your right to change your mind about leaving a gift to the work of Mission Without Borders.

Download our brochure and start your journey today.


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To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!