Get Involved

Join us as we work to get vulnerable people out of the cycle of poverty and into a self-sustainable future.


Sponsor a family

We work with families over an extended period of time to address their immediate and long-term needs, understand their aspirations and provide them with a route to achieving self-sufficiency. Many families have complex, multiple needs and there are often issues such as addiction and domestic violence to be addressed.

All the families we work with live below the poverty line and some are struggling to survive on less than $1.80 a day.  By providing one to one support to families we show them, through practical, emotional and spiritual support that they can change their lives. 

As a sponsor you are a vital part of that relationship, not just by making it possible financially but by writing to your family, or even visiting them if you can. Just knowing that someone cares about them can make all the difference.

Sponsor a family

Sponsor a child

Child sponsorship secures a young person's future and gives them emotional, spiritual and material support. Sponsors play a special role in the life of the child by exchanging letters, photos and cards with them, and sharing their milestones, challenges and successes.

Through child sponsorship, we see children who were at risk of dropping of school becoming engaged in their education and improving their results, we see children discovering the love of Jesus and becoming Christians, we see young people becoming the first in their families to get a university degree.

We believe that only long-term investment in a child's education, material and emotional support, and faith and hope in Jesus Christ can create real and lasting change in a child's life and the community they live in - and child sponsorship is what helps to make this possible.

Sponsor a child


Raise money for the Mission and have fun at the same time. Get in touch to find out more or share your idea. We'll give you all the help you need to make it happen! Your creative ideas and hard work makes all the difference to people living in poverty in Eastern Europe – every dollar counts.

Contact us


Are you passionate about making a difference? Do you want to put your faith into action? Join out team of volunteers and help people across Eastern Europe break out of poverty. You might love speaking to adults or children. Or perhaps you thrive in an office. We want you to volunteer with us!

Contact us


Become a church partner and see the difference we can make as one church whanau. We resources that can be used in your church to help people connect with what God is doing among the most vulnerable in Eastern Europe. We can even send one of our fantastic staff team or volunteer speakers.

Contact us

Please join us in transforming people's lives.


boxes will be distributed this Christmas

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Help transform lives and bring hope for the future

To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!