Together we can empower families to overcome poverty

Sponsor now


Addressing vital needs: fostering a nurturing family environment

  • Enhancing the physical well-being of families by fulfilling their basic health and nutritional requirements, while simultaneously cultivating a caring and supportive atmosphere.
  • Supporting the spiritual and emotional well-being of families, empowering them to make positive life choices and fostering resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Ensuring that children have access to school supplies and local education opportunities, paving the way for their academic growth and development.
  • Providing access to training and skill development, enabling families to acquire practical abilities that open doors to better opportunities in life.

Join the journey: engage and stay connected!

  • Become an Active Participant: Stay Updated on Family Progress
  • Receive regular updates, heartwarming Christmas cards, heartfelt letters, and stay informed about the ongoing developments within the families we support.
  • Witness Everyday Transformations: Follow the Lives of Children, Parents, and Grandparents
  • Stay connected through our insightful Mission Without Borders Annual Magazine and our Annual Report, which provide comprehensive updates on the tangible impact your support has on the lives of those we serve.


Become a Family Sponsor today!


Spread the love of Christ

Sharing the Good News

It is the love of Christ that motivates everything we do – and our family coordinators share their faith with families where there is interest, encourage them to become part of a local church, and disciple family members who want to grow in their faith.

If your family is interested, we will provide Christian literature and invite them to Christmas and Easter celebrations. We also offer our Bible Correspondence Courses to family members to disciple their faith.

Provide practical help

Provision of practical items

We offer one-to-one support and seek to understand what the family needs on its journey to independence. Each family receive a monthly visit including a food and hygiene parcel. Other practical help can include clothing, medical help, furniture, bedding and firewood. The children will be given school supplies, encouraged in their schooling and invited to attend the Mission’s summer camps.

Assistance is provided to families struggling with anything from trauma to unresolved conflict to anxiety. Our local coordinator will walk alongside the family as they navigate the changes they want to make in their life.

Journey with them

Journeying to independence

Our goal is to lift the family out of poverty for the long term. We help the parents and other family earners with skills building and training and to find local employment.

Our local coordinator will also help the family increase their income through a project tailored to their needs. Usually in year five of sponsorship, the family receive support to create their own business, or extend their current business, to increase their earning potential.


We partner with the local church to bring change across generations with a hope for the future.

You can help lift a family out of poverty for only $45/month 


Sponsor a family today for $45/month


families were sponsored in 2022. You can help us reach even more families today. Become a family sponsor.

Sponsor a family


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does sponsorship last?

Sponsorship lasts about five years. It can be longer if the family faces increased hardship during the sponsorship due to events such as health issues and natural disasters.

Can I write to my family?

Yes! Sending letters will strengthen the relationship between you and your sponsored family. They treasure each letter as it brings hope and love into their lives.

Can I choose which country I sponsor in?

Yes! We have families available for sponsorship across all six countries we work in. You can sponsor a family in any one of these countries right now.

Am I the only sponsor of this family?

No. We connect four supporters each paying $45/month to one family so we can offer the family the most support available.



What help does my sponsored family receive?

  • Regular visits from a local staff member
  • A monthly food or hygiene parcel
  • School supplies for the children
  • Clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture
  • Guidance and support
  • After five years, a larger gift to help the family generate income such as a motor cultivator
  • The opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus


What do I receive as a sponsor?

When you decide to sponsor a family you will receive a pack of information about your family, their community and what sponsorship is about. You can then write letters and send photos to encourage them on their journey. Each year we send an update on how your family is going along with a new photo. We will also send out a newsletter on Family Sponsorship so you can understand better the impact of your donation.


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Help transform lives and bring hope for the future

To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!