We are transforming lives and bringing a hope for the future across Eastern Europe

We are a Christian charity reaching the poor and marginalised in Eastern Europe

Across Eastern Europe, people are living in serious poverty. They have limited access to services and their health and wellbeing is under threat. It is a problem that affects families for generations and in the six countries we work in, it is a problem that is destroying communities and children's futures.

We work across Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine to help people break the destructive cycle of poverty. We provide tailored support packages that often include several generations of the same family and cut across several programme areas. Our integrated and responsive method of working means we are uniquely placed to provide a holistic, whole-person approach to meeting people's needs.

We are Christian

Mission Without Borders is an international network of Christians, who journey with the poor and marginalised, bringing practical and spiritual support with hope of a better future. 

We enable and encourage people to lift themselves out of poverty, always sharing the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. We are committed to relieve the suffering of the poor and marginalised and to encourage their transformation out of poverty. We serve people irrespective of their race, faith and gender. It is our joy to see individuals and families coming to Christ as they experience the fruit of his love in their lives for themselves. You can read more about one of those lives here.

Pictured: Kiwi supporter Michelle prays a blessing over a Ivan, a homeless man, in Moldova.

We partner

Whether it’s a donor in one of our fundraising countries, or a church leader in one of our programme countries, we work in partnership. 

With churches we build their capacity to reach out to their local community. Our staff are involved in a local church and all are part to the community in which they work. As well as churches, we partner with civic authorities in seeking to listen to and understand the needs of the local population. By partnering with our donors, we can share the progress of the families and children they sponsor and the impact of their giving. 

Pictured: Pastor Timotei poses with MWB coordinator Radu in Romania.

We journey

We are on a journey with those we serve. 

We work with many of the children and families enrolled on our sponsorship programmes for a five to seven year period, visiting them on a monthly basis. Our coordinators have a deep understanding of and are trusted by those we serve – and so our support is provided in this context of relationship, so that people know they are not alone in their struggles. 

Pictured: Our local coordinator shares a Bible story with this sponsored family in Albania.

We form long-lasting relationships

We serve people over a number of years, seeking to build strong relationships with all members of the family. 

It is through these relationships that we hear their concerns and hopes, discover the issues that are holding them back, identify their skills and strengths, and become their counsellor, mentor and friend. We aim to impact all generations in a family and separately children in institutions, from the smallest baby to the oldest grandparent, through providing economic, educational and spiritual support to each one as needed. 

Pictured: Kiwi supporter Rodney listens as Alexandru explains his journey out of poverty and how he now supports others on the same path with MWB. 

We act as a catalyst

We are a catalyst for change in people’s lives, helping them to envision the ways in which their lives can be different, pointing them to the transformative power of the gospel. 

Our self-sufficiency projects give families the boost they need to establish or grow their business and generate their own income for their families. Those we serve need to decide for themselves how to respond to the practical help we give and to the spiritual hope we offer. 

Pictured: Sanijovic, from Bosnia & Herzegovina, shows off his new tools he received from MWB.



families supported through Family Sponsorship  across Eastern Europe

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