Never before have I seen so much evil and at the same time so many good deeds

Misha Vaveliuk, Writer and photographer at Mission Without Borders Ukraine, talks about how the war has changed life in Ukraine.


Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. A third of the territory is now torn apart and destroyed. Now, even a year after the war began, my mind does not want to accept that in the 21st century a war like this is possible in our civilized society. I have also given up trying to understand how anyone can support this inhumane invasion.


What has changed in this year? We have changed! Our country, our language and our identity have come to mean a lot more because the Russians are trying to take it away from us. They kill us for the simple reason that we are Ukrainian. We have come to respect our soldiers who are themselves at great risk while keeping our enemy from all their crimes towards our wives and children. We have come to appreciate our neighbours more. There has never been so much unity within our country. Everyone helps and supports others who are in greater need than themselves. We have prayed a lot because we believe that the protection of God can stop the rockets that hit our homes.


We also learned to be more grateful: for a few hours a day of power, for warm radiators in our house, for a hot meal. We are grateful to all the people abroad who have generously donated and are doing their best to help us. I am amazed that people around the world are forming a front to keep Ukraine alive in this brutal war.

The Bible says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good" (Romans 12:21). I have never seen so many evils and at the same time so many good deeds as in the past year. I believe, and with me many Ukrainians, that good will eventually overcome evil."

Rebuilding Ukraine is more than repairing buildings

For a year now, Ukraine has been embroiled in a devastating war with disastrous consequences. People have died, been injured, traumatised, fled or lost everything and the country is in ruins. In addition to providing emergency aid, Mission Without Borders also wants to continue to offer help in the long term.






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In November, we distributed


food parcels to people in need in Ukraine.


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