Transformative Smiles

How Summer Camps ignite joy and resilience.


The impact of Summer Camps

“At last year’s Summer Camps, 130 out of 300 children accepted Jesus as their Saviour through saying the prayer of salvation.

“As well, many of the kids start going along to Christian activities at their local church after returning home from summer camp. They’re drawn to the Christian activities that they enjoyed during summer camp, and the best place to continue these activities are at the local church, where they’ll see again the staff or volunteers they know from camp, as well as some of the kids.

“Parents also are impacted when their children start going along to the local church activities. When they take their children to church, they’re invited to stay. Lots of mothers, for example, start going along to the women’s meetings. Churches benefit from summer camps for children, as this directly affects the widening of the Christian community in the area.

“Every member of staff is dedicated to making summer camp a success for everyone involved, especially for the children. Seven days at summer camp contribute towards developing the children’s Bible knowledge, leadership skills and team-work abilities. Children are encouraged to learn skills that not only serve them during the camp itself but that will help them in everyday life in the long run."

“The children who go to our summer camps can’t afford the luxury of a holiday or camp experience. When school is over, summer usually doesn't bring any joy or relaxing activities for them. "

“To grow and develop properly, as well as healthy food, children need to play and interact with other children; they need spiritual guidance, Christian values and ethical foundations for a solid future. Mission Without Borders and its partner churches offer this opportunity to these children so that they can enjoy the summer camp experience."

Building Valued for Life

“During Summer Camp, Mission Without Borders coordinators and volunteers spend time teaching the children some fundamental principles that they can rely on throughout their lives. What we usually notice at the end of each camp is that the children’s behaviour has improved; they’ve learned to forgive, to be grateful, to be open and at the same time careful not to hurt someone else’s feelings. We work hard with the children to help them understand the importance of being patient, forgiving and honest.” 

Summer Camps are organised many months in advance. Everything is thought through, and the volunteers make sure they take time off work to help and get involved.

The Summer Camps are run in beautiful settings where children can freely enjoy nature and have enough space to safely play under the close supervision of the volunteers. 

Swimming, ziplining, trampolining, fun activities and delicious treats help to create the most wonderful time. The Bible teachings have an incredible impact, with God’s salvation through Jesus Christ the foundation of all our teaching. We teach about forgiveness, kindness, acceptance, friendship, prayer, obedience, and joy.

Some of the benefits of Summer Camps for the children are they gain self-confidence, and experience another way of life. They make new friends, try new foods, learn entertaining songs, and see a puppet show for the first time. They receive love and value, and get to know about the Creator. As a result, lives are transformed. 

Please consider making a donation today! Just $25 provides a child one fun and amazing day at Summer Camp. Please support us in giving as many children as possible that place to laugh and play!

Thank you!

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Every year thousands of children's lives are transformed at Summer Camps.



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