
Roma people face severe social and economic disadvantages.

Life is toughest amongst Roma

When Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007, thousands celebrated on Sofia’s streets with high hopes for the nation’s future. However, corruption, a weak judiciary and organised crime continue to hold the country back and hamper its economic prospects. The Centre for the Study of Democracy found 150,000 bribes paid every month, across all sections of society.

40% of the Roma population live below the poverty line. They face severe social and economic disadvantages, as well as widespread discrimination, with even the deputy prime minister convicted of hate speech in 2017. 

We work with families in southern Bulgaria, including many Roma, journeying with them towards self-sufficiency. We provide educational and emotional support to vulnerable children and see them thrive as result. In Sofia, there are many homeless people who have fallen through the cracks. Here we demonstrate the love of Christ through hot meals, shoes, clothes, medical care and sharing the gospel.

Sponsor a family in Bulgaria

130 families are sponsored

420 people living on the streets in Sofia regularly receive a hot meal

1,470 children received a new backpack and school supplies


Hello from Sarkis

Sarkis Ovanesyan, MWB Bulgaria manager since 2008, says, "Our nation is divided. Most people suffer from lawlessness, corruption, criminality. Every fifth Bulgarian lives in poverty, every third lives with material deprivation. As a result of the despair in the nation, more and more young students and workers are leaving in search of a better life.

"Only God who is seated over the sun on the throne has the power to change the situation and He says, 'I am making everything new!' These words are trustworthy and true. Indeed, our hope is directed to Him who is the only one who can change lives.

"Knowing this, we are, through different projects, working to help and improve people’s lives, showing God’s love and giving them a hope. We praise God for His abundant blessings and mercies and we thank our supporters."



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