Alexandru (Sandu) Danilenco has been the Manager for Romania since 2017. He says, "From year to year, more people in Romania are losing hope that the day will come when their social and spiritual conditions will improve. This is particularly true of rural communities, where most are unemployed and just waiting for the first opportunity to leave the country to find a job
"Even in such hopeless conditions, our team believe God is with us, and together with all people that support MWB, we can bring light and hope to the minds and hearts of discouraged people in our country.
"We have the opportunity to help thousands of children and hundreds of families that struggle with diverse needs, and through all the things we do, we really show our neighbours the love of Jesus in a tangible way. From all our team and from all the people we care for, please receive our words of gratitude towards those who support us materially and prayerfully."