Ukraine CRUSHED!

Help is still desperately needed.


The Impact of War

The impact of war is a devastating force that transforms communities, disrupts daily life, and leaves lasting scars. It encompasses physical destruction, loss of life, economic upheaval, and a profound shift in the social fabric. The psychological toll on individuals and communities is immense, and the long-term consequences can affect generations. Rebuilding and healing become crucial components of post-war recovery.

"You can't imagine how important it is for us that we are not forgotten. We can only keep it up thanks to help from people like you."

What have we done so far?

Since the first day of the war in Ukraine, our local staff, volunteers and local churches have been able to help on the spot with your donations. We have been able to provide a lot of emergency aid to Ukraine and refugees in the surrounding countries. For example, we have provided emergency shelter including meals to a total of 17,470 refugee families, 78,276 families received relief supplies, hot meals and hygiene items and we have organized summer camps and activity afternoons especially for refugees.

What do we still want to do?

The need is still enormous. In addition to providing emergency aid, we want to continue to provide long-term assistance in Ukraine together with you and help with the reconstruction of the country.

  • Distribute food, hygiene items and relief supplies;
  • Provide assistance with housing;
  • Provide assistance in the restoration of homes;
  • Providing assistance in processing war traumas;
  • Offer firewood, warm clothing and shoes;
  • Provide emergency generators.

"Never before have I seen so much evil and at the same time so many good deeds."

Misha, writer and photographer for Mission Without Borders in Ukraine, talks about how the war has changed life in Ukraine.






Give people hope, give to our emergency appeal today!



people urgently need humanitarian aid.


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To donate via internet banking, our ANZ account number is 06-0185-0122206-12 or call us on 0800 469 269, THANK YOU!