Church plants in Cantemir

As a result of the amazing IMPACT of family and child sponsorship, churches have sprung up in Moldova!

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New churches have sprung up in Cantemir, Moldova!

Parents whose children are enrolled on Mission Without Border’s child sponsorship programme – and parents from sponsored families – were invited by our staff to home groups, set up to support them in their faith and provide Christian fellowship and discipleship. 

It wasn’t long before these home groups in several villages evolved into living, vibrant churches!Cania and Leca are two villages in the Cantemir area where Boris Garconita is a Mission Without Border's staff member, and a church pastor with a great heart for God and for people.


Recently a new church has been planted in a village called Cania by a man named Ion, whose children are enrolled on our child sponsorship programme.

Boris said, “I met Ion in Leova town. He and his wife rent their home and are unemployed. They faced big challenges, as they have three children to raise. 

Ion started helping me as a volunteer in Leova. Then, after moving to Cania village in Cantemir, he started volunteering with the 148 children enrolled on MWB’s child sponsorship programme there. At the same time, we started working on planting a church in this village. 

“Ana, Ion’s wife, got involved as a volunteer in working with children and teenagers, organising special clubs with sponsored children. They both were active volunteers at the day camps.

 Later, they became responsible for training the children at the community centre in agriculture, growing tomatoes in the greenhouse and beekeeping. 

“An old house was bought in Cania to serve as a church, and Ion served as a leader there. After a while, he was ordained as a deacon and then two years later as a pastor. 

The parents and grandparents of our sponsored children came to know God. “The church started to grow a lot and there wasn't enough space in the old house anymore. Then a plot of land was bought in the centre of the village. The construction of a bigger House of Prayer began – glory to our Lord! I am so happy about the great impact that MWB has in expanding the Kingdom of God!”


In the Leca village, 20 children are enrolled on MWB’s child sponsorship programme. Three of those sponsored children live with their parents, Victor and Cristina, in poverty in a small house in difficult conditions. 

Through their children’s involvement in MWB, Victor and his wife became Christians, and Victor went on to become a minister at the Church of Cantemir. Boris said, “I have known Victor for many years. I remember one Sunday he opened his heart to Jesus. My wife and I became their mentors and help them to grow spiritually. 

They lived in a lot of poverty at that time. After a year Victor was ordained as deacon in the Church of Cantemir. He was one of the first volunteers helping me with MWB activities. His wife, Cristina, started helping as a volunteer at the day camps for children, too.

“Their desire to get involved in expanding the Kingdom of God grew more and more. They were very grateful that during the most difficult period of their lives, MWB was with them. 

This motivated the young couple to help others as well. A few years after serving in a dedicated way, Victor was ordained as pastor. He helped with Mission work in the neighbouring villages. Seeing people’s need for God, one day he said to me, ‘Brother Boris, I want to start a group of disciples in Leca village, so that through the children, we can reach the hearts of their parents, grandparents and other people in the village.’

“New doors were opened to other families in the village, and it became necessary to plant a church in the village to serve them. An old, small house was bought, and with God’s help, the door and windows were replaced.

“They lived in a lot of poverty at that time."


“These volunteers, Victor and Cristina, are ready to move to Leca village and to serve there and to be a light for the people there.

“Victor and Cristina are an example of how MWB's work can help and save souls, as well as grow workers and plant new churches.


families supported through Family Sponsorship across Eastern Europe..

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