"We’ll need to work harder, but we won’t be alone"

A hard-working farming family receive the help they need to flourish


Trofymchuk's Story

Roman and Iryna Trofymchuk, from western Ukraine, have faced severe challenges. Their farming efforts, once hopeful, were devastated by the pandemic and the war that began in 2022. With rising inflation and economic downturns, they struggled to care for their seven children, often just scraping by.

Roman said, “It was terrible going through times when we didn’t have money for medicine for the children. I hated seeing my wife crying, explaining to the children why other kids have toys and new clothes, and they don’t.”

Iryna added, “Farming is our only income. We got poorer as the country’s situation worsened, but our faith kept us going. My husband stays strong, so I stay hopeful too.”

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Strength in Struggle...

Despite the many challenges they face, Roman and Iryna remain full of energy and positivity, and this spirit is evident in their children as well. Roman said, “We have seven children. The eldest has moved out; the youngest, the twins Rita and Ruvym, are only two years old. It is way too early to rest, although I am 50 years old. Sometimes I feel so old and tired, but I can’t show it. My children look to me and follow my example. I thank God I don’t have to ask any of them twice to do some work. Even the youngest see and repeat the habits of their older siblings. I believe that my main obligation and calling is to raise my children well.”

The Trofymchuks were relieved and grateful when they learned they would be enrolled in Mission Without Borders’s family sponsorship program. The support they received has been a lifeline, helping them navigate their overwhelming difficulties. Roman expressed his gratitude, “Thank God that now, during the war, when the situation is becoming more and more difficult, we have support from Mission Without Borders.”

Olexandr, the staff member who supports the Trofymchuks, explained the challenges they face. “The war greatly affected people’s purchasing power. It’s become very difficult to sell agricultural products. At the same time, prices for equipment, parts, feed, fuel, and everything else have risen sharply and continue to rise. The uncertainty and chronic stress of war weigh heavily on everyone. Daily rocket attacks, the death of friends and relatives, and bad forecasts for the future cause apathy and fatigue, affecting relationships and work.”

Olexandr was moved by the Trofymchuks’ resilience and dedication. “Roman and Iryna work very hard and are willing to do everything they can to give their children a better future.”

Roman added, “Olexandr comes from a rural family himself and understands the hard work farming requires. When we first met, I told him about our problems and the lack of support from the state and others. Within two days, he called and told us that Mission Without Borders would support us. Their help made me confident that God will oversee our future. We will need to work harder, but we won’t be alone in this journey.”

Olexandr emphasized the impact of support, saying, “Those who generously sponsor a family in Ukraine make an incredible difference. One woman recently told me, ‘At this time, no one in Ukraine is sure what tomorrow will bring. We ask you to keep praying for us. You do a lot for us, and we will never forget it.’”

To support families like the Trofymchuks and help them thrive despite the challenges, consider sponsoring a family today.


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