Warmth in Winter

"A Helping hand & Blessing": A Widow and her children receive Winter Support

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"the Winter months prove to be particularly demanding. Cleaning duties at a village store hardly cover their essential needs"

It has been three winters since Ecaterina lost her husband to cancer, and for this single mother of three in Moldova, each season brings its own set of challenges. Winter is especially harsh in their village, where opportunities for work dwindle, and the escalating costs of heating and electricity create a financial struggle.

Ecaterina, aged 42, resides in a modest village home with her children: seven-year-old Sebastian and four-year-old twins, Alina and Carolina. While she manages to earn some income through seasonal work in spring, the winter months prove to be particularly demanding. Cleaning duties at a village store hardly cover their essential needs.

Their living conditions are far from ideal—a single room with a small kitchen, a bed shared by the children, and visible signs of wear and tear. Ecaterina has been the sole caretaker since her husband's passing, bravely taking on the responsibility of repairing their aging home. Despite its dilapidated state, the house stands as a shelter, a roof over their heads.

With limited state support following her husband's death, Ecaterina has faced numerous hardships. However, Mission Without Borders (MWB) provides crucial assistance to families like hers during the winter season, supplying warm clothing, boots, firewood, and briquettes. Enrolled in MWB's family sponsorship program, Ecaterina and her children also receive regular visits from Pavel, the family coordinator. 

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The state offers a small monthly allowance to widows and single parents until the child turns three. However, finding work and balancing childcare becomes a significant challenge. The support from MWB is indispensable for Ecaterina, ensuring she can meet her family's needs.

Recently, Pavel brought winter essentials to the family—briquettes, warm coats, and boots. The joy on the children's faces was palpable as they excitedly donned their new attire. For Ecaterina, these practical items, along with the food parcel, are lifelines.

With the winter chill in the air, the children played happily outside, bringing warmth and joy to their humble surroundings. Ecaterina expressed her gratitude for the briquettes, emphasizing their role in keeping their home warm and enabling her to allocate funds for school and kindergarten expenses.

Sebastian, now equipped with a new coloring book, finds winter more enchanting. The children, clad in their warm clothing, are eager to explore the season. Pavel emphasized the significance of winter support for families in poverty, especially in communities like Hincesti, where single-parent households face heightened vulnerability.

As the Mission Without Borders team strives to bring warmth to those in need, they extend an invitation to join in sharing the goodness and care this winter. Find out more on our website to learn more about of our work to make a difference in the lives of people living in poverty.


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